JUDr. Ivana Igazová

JUDr. Ivana Igazová

Senior Counsel (Bratislava)
E-mail: iig@uepa.sk

Areas of specialisation

  • Civil and family law, including cross-border family matters
  • Land law and real estate – focus on ownership disputes
  • Procedural law – representation in courts, including the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
  • Civil and commercial contract law
  • Criminal law – representation of victims in pre-trial proceedings
  • Administrative law – focus on construction and cadastral proceedings
  • Constitutional law


  • Slovak
  • German
  • English
  • Czech
  • Russian


  • Slovak Bar Association


  • 1998 – 2004 Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Master of Laws diploma, state examination, defence of the Master’s thesis at the Department of Civil Law on the topic “Ownership of Land”
  • 2005 Rigorosum examination in civil law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava, doctoral thesis on topic “Selected problems concerning the joint property of spouses”; obtaining the degree of JUDr.
  • 2005 – 2006 Assistant / Lawyer – Visionmedia, s.r.o. (VM Telecom, s.r.o.), Bratislava
  • 2007 Senior Lawyer – Legal and Regulatory Division, T-Mobile SK (Slovak Telekom, a.s., Bratislava)
  • 2008 – 2009 Associate at the Law Office of JUDr. Gabriela Igazová, Bratislava
  • 2009 Enrolment as an attorney with the Slovak Bar Association
  • 2009 – 2014 Attorney- partner at the Law Office of JUDr. Gabriela Igazová, Bratislava
  • Since 2015 Attorney at the Law Office of JUDr. Ivana Igazová, Bratislava
  • 2017 Completion of preparatory training for candidates for judicial offices, Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic
  • Since 2019 attorney, partner at PROiURiS, Bratislava
  • From 2021 Senior Counsel at UEPA advokáti s.r.o. Bratislava

Ivana Igazová is Senior Counsel at UEPA advokáti s.r.o. in Bratislava. Before joining our team in 2021, she worked as a lawyer in telecommunications services and as an attorney in Slovakia since 2009. Since 2019 she has been cooperating with the PROiURiS, Bratislava, where she is currently a partner.

She is the author of the chapter on procedural, arbitration and enforcement law in the Handbuch Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa, published by C.H.Beck: Verfahrens-, Schiedsverfahrens und Vollstreckungsrecht and has been lecturing for various subjects since 2015, including online lectures.

She advises on family matters, including cross-border divorce, deals with land of unknown/undetected owners and representation in inheritance proceedings

In addition to Slovak as a native language, Ivana is fluent in Czech, German, English and Russian.