The programme “Antivirus” has been extended significantly. Currently, it is planned to provide the possibility to ask for government support for employers falling into one of the following case groups:

5 Case Groups

Group A – Individual employees are in mandatory quarantine

  • Employee obtains substitute salary amounting to 60% of his average salary
  • Employer obtains state aid in the full amount of the paid out substitute salary

Group B – Employer´s business has been closed by government order, employees have been released from work

  • Employee obtains substitute salary amounting to 100% of his average salary
  • Employer obtains state aid amounting to 80% of the paid out substitute salary

Group C – Employer has to release employees from work, because a significant number of his employees (30% or more) are in mandatory quarantine or need to take care of their children

  • Employee obtains substitute salary amounting to 100% of his average salary
  • Employer obtains state aid amounting to 80% of the paid out substitute salary

Group D – Employer has to release employees from work due to a lack of indispensable materials of services

  • Employee obtains substitute salary amounting to 80% of his average salary
  • Employer obtains state aid amounting to 50% of the paid out substitute salary

Group E – Employer has to release employees from work due to a decline in demand for his products or services

  • Employee obtains substitute salary amounting to 60% of his average salary
  • Employer obtains state aid amounting to 50% of the paid out substitute salary

Please note, that the above-mentioned rules are currently still undergoing shortened legislation procedures. Therefore, filings for state aid under the programme may be made only after the respective laws have been finalised.


We will of course carefully monitor the process, inform you when the programme is ready and will be happy to assist you in the filing procedure.