Active Co-operation Within Pangea Net

The preparation for this year’s AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Pangea Net (, our international network of attorneys-at-law, is well under way; this also means that all members need to send their reports on last year’s international co-operation to London headquarters. UEPA has also played an active role again and acquired clients at the recommendation of other members; but also brought business to the network in return.

In late June this year, representatives of all the law offices that are members of Pangea Net will meet at the annual meeting, this time in Amsterdam. Both our clients as well as UEPA benefit from the mutual interconnectedness and active co-operation with colleagues within the net. Friendly relationships within the association have been growing and developing each year.

Last year, for example, we were contacted by colleagues from Valegis (, our Dutch partner office. We arranged the security of contractual rights in business relations with a Slovak company for a Dutch plant breeder. We provided legal counselling in acquiring a majority share in a Czech group of companies for another client of Valegis.

Colleagues from our German partner Brandi Rechtsanwälte (, with whom we have been co-operating closely, took up a Japanese client of ours and provided the client with legal service in founding a branch in Germany. We also co-operated with Brandi in a case concerning trade unions and in comparing legislation in Germany and in the Czech Republic.

Our Swiss colleagues from Probst & Partner ( recommended our law office to a client for a specific case, and we have co-operated with the client ever since. The company performs direct activities in the Czech Republic and contemplates expanding its current capacities through acquisition of enterprises.

Our clients appreciate our international contacts, especially as we often know our foreign colleagues better than is usual in bigger firms than UEPA. In any case, we can always rely on the quality of their legal work and vice-versa – this is what our colleagues appreciate in us.